Major Makeover for Kings Mall

Centre set to be revitalised

St Martins Property Investments Ltd, the owner of Kings Mall, has put forward plans for a much needed £10 million refurbishment to bring Hammersmith's run down shopping centre into the 21st century.

The plans include two new curved glazed entrances on King Street making access to the centre much lighter and brighter. Inside, the malls will be enlivened with new lighting, decor and signage.

The car park and bridge links will be redecorated and significant improvements made to lighting and news which will come as a relief to many local shoppers, the toilets will be completely refurbished.

At the same time, all the behind the scenes services such as CCTV, security systems and escalators will be renewed.

St Martins Property Investments says its proposed changes will improve the centre for retailers and completely revitalise the centre.  The company has recently gone to tender on the project, with a number construction companies reported to be bidding.

May 13, 2010