Drinking Up Time at Fulham pubs

Broadway pubs have to clean up their act

Three pubs at Fulham Broadway have been forced to clean up their act after council licensing officers carried out late night undercover swoops on drunk and disorderly drinkers in the area.

Working closely with the Police's Safer Neighbourhood Team, the blitz saw two officers posed as customers visiting licensed premises for three weekends and observing security and staff issues, the behaviour of customers and health and safety matters.

As a result, three pubs in the Broadway area, the Slug and Lettuce, Havana's and Belushi's, were deemed to be poorly managed. All of these premises have now signed up to a detailed action plan to combat these issues. The action plans will be reviewed in March and the council will continue to monitor the premises during that time period.

Cllr Nick Botterill, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment,
said: "We will not tolerate excessive alcohol-fuelled antisocial behaviour and will continue to pursue licensed premises that we believe are acting irresponsibly.

"These premises have a duty to ensure that their customers do not drink excessive amounts of alcohol and they must take this obligation seriously. Far too often drinkers head out onto the streets and act rowdily, waking up residents and sometimes getting into fights.

"The council will use all of its powers to clamp down on such behaviour and the premises from which it emanates."

Each action plan contains a number of issues that must be addressed by the relevant pub. Pubs are asked to ensure that no drunk people are allowed in and that they do not take part in irresponsible drinks promotions. The management must log all incidents involving the confiscation of and finding of illegal drugs

Emma Midgley


January 11, 2008